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Unbound Education services for parents

Unbound Education offers parents guidance, expertise and support which allows their
family to thrive.

Parents are faced with endless tough choices, balancing their own needs with those of their children.  My aim is to help parents make informed decisions about the education of their children, which take into account the needs and aspirations of all members of the family.


These are the four core areas I support:


How it works


Sessions can be online, in person, in Lisbon or a hybrid


Sessions last 45mins - 1 hr, scheduled as needed


Costs vary between €50-€90 per session including research and planning

My expertise

  • International Schools: visited over 50 schools globally as founder of Teacher Horizons.  Worked at international schools and attended one as a child.

  • UK Schools: state (Teach First), private and boarding experience

  • Teach First programme.  

  • Secondary, Middle and Primary School experience: Maths, Science, Business & Management, Humanities taught 

  • International School accreditation: involved in Council of International Schools accreditations as well as Ofsted inspections

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  • International Baccalaureate DP Coordinator, Middle Years (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP) and Careers Related Programme (CP)

  • Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) Coordinator

  • Pathfinder Programme: project and inquiry based schooling

  • IB Careers Related Programme Service Learning Coordination  

  • Start Up Hub: entrepreneurship programme

  • Singapore Maths: developed CPA (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract) approach to learning at Redbridge School

  • International Award: Duke of Edinburgh supervisor

  • Global Issues Network 

  • Working With Others

  • Keys to Happier Living



  • Mentor and Tutor: over 10 years experience across a diverse range of nationalities, backgrounds and ages.

  • Career and University Advisor

  • Tutoring: exam preparation, UK 11+

  • IB Extended Essay supervisor 

  • Trip leader: led countless student trips both locally and internationally

  • Sports Coach: Boys and Girls Football, Tennis, Badminton

  • Camp leader: led multiple nights multi-activity and hiking camps with groups of students






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